Do you need to change your chart settings on a regular basis? Does the adding or changing of an indicator's settings seem tedious when having to apply to every open chart? For me, the saving of a template and applying that template to countless charts is just mundane; especially with all the charts that I have eWavesHarmonics running on for
Mundane no more ... I've made a script called 'Template All'. Set one chart up with all the preferred settings; drag the script on to your chart; enter the name of your template (or leave the default); all charts to the right will have the same template applied; charts to the left will remain unchanged. I like it and thought you might too, so have added it to the 'free' section. Help yourself By the way.., I will be on holiday for the first half of December. Whilst I will check emails from time-to-time, please allow a bit more time than usual for a reply. eWavesHarmonics v1.0 will be made available when I get back.
eWH performed very well this week on the H1 charts. One of the many features of eWH is the automatic alert on a W4 trend line break (TLB). Traders who took the early-week signals and held the trades (ATM would have managed them nicely using the T-Frac button once in profit) would have had much to celebrate. eWH shows a bomb symbol when there is a TLB: green for long; red for short. I've added the blue arrows to point out the trades after using the 'Test' feature to show how the signals would have appeared at the time. GBPUSD H1... EURUSD H1 ... USDJPY H1 .... Needless to say, we don't get such great moves every week but you want to be in them, as early as possible, when they're there.
There are still a few Beta licences left (at a very discounted price) for traders with current News EA/ATM licences. |
November 2024