The latest upgrade to ATM is now available and free to anyone who already owns V1 - just go to the download page, where you got V1, and do a fresh install.
Quite a few traders have been testing the new version over the last couple of weeks and are reporting much success. We hope to have some videos of the automated trade entries and management over the coming weeks, so you can see it in action. Now you have no excuse for missing a trade signalled by your favourite (compatible) indicator.
The Advanced Trade Manager for MetaTrader (ATM) has been available for a short while and I've already had some terrific feedback from very happy traders. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to email me with your kind words, it really is appreciated. Coming very soon - automated trade entries with signals taken from your favourite indicator. The coding has been completed and the FOR-EXE team will be testing the feature next week when the markets open. This should be ideal for traders who can't be at the trading desk throughout the trading session. It's as simple as :-
This added feature will be offered at no extra charge to everyone who already has ATM. If you haven't already bought a licence, perhaps you'd like to do so before the price goes up when this new version is released ;)
November 2024